Bad Mummy / Good Mummy – Grumpy Mum Syndrome

I often try to live under the guise that I am always a positive, upbeat, everything has a silver lining sort of person.

Reality check – I am of course totally and utterly NOT, certainly not all the time.  Especially recently, on more days than I would like to admit, I’ve been GRUMPY.  I have most definitely been showing all the ailments of Grumpy Mum Syndrome.  I find symptoms manifests  in a number ways, it usually has more than one cause (a bit of a build up) and I can advise on tried and tested ways to cure it.

raving mum quote

Grumpy Mum Syndrome

The Signs

please be aware that severity of signs and symptoms can increase dramatically and without warning

  • Tutting and sighing
  • Gradual increase of shrillness of tone
  • Gradual increase in volume of voice
  • Underbreath muttering – this can often escalate quickly to outright screaming
  • Banging of cupboard doors, room doors, car doors – any door really that will give a really good loud BANG
  • Gesticulation of hands in every direction
  • Use of stick rather than carrot to get desired results (manifesting as  ‘grounding if you don’t, .. rather than ‘ice-cream when you do’..)

The Causes

What makes mum grumpy – where do i start!

  • Repeat, repeat, repeat – if I’ve  asked once, I’ve asked 100 times – SERIOUSLY!
  • Continual making of mess – especially immediately after cleaning
  • Inability to follow any sort of instruction or request without questioning it
  • All in the household appear to have lost their hearing
  • Bickering, whingeing, whining, moaning

silence is golden

The Cure 

Try them, they work!

  • Employment of a full time nanny, cleaner, cook, taxi driver, homework tutor, fashion advisor
  • Failing that – just a bit of consideration, help, love and cuddles – would be a start

The thing is, I don’t want to be grumpy, I want to be the eternal optimist, seeing blue skies and sunshine beyond the grey clouds, I want to be happy, and cheerful and emanate positivity – but who am I kidding! Unless I manage to suddenly transform my family in to the Waltons thats just never going to happen.

Ok, deep breath, centring ones chakra (REALLY!), I can do this parenting thing I’m sure. Tomorrow is of course another day (thankfully), I get to wipe the slate clean, try again – banish  bad mummy and let good mummy reign supreme once again.

stay p

linking up with #bestandworst

Best of Worst

3 thoughts on “Bad Mummy / Good Mummy – Grumpy Mum Syndrome

  1. Awesome post, I quite often have grumpy mum syndrome haha!Oh the joys of being a mum! Thanks for linking a great post up to the #bestandworst 🙂 hope you’ll pop by again!


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